A hot masseuse girl mocks a patient with a small dick


A hot masseuse girl mocks a patient with a small dick

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    3 716
  • Added:
    1 year ago
Description: When you are a man with a small dick and you have some problem with your body, you go to a masseuse. It even can be a hot girl. She is trying to solve your problem and then her own. But she sees your small penis and cannot contain her emotions. She is trying to somehow correct the situation using different methods and devices. But everything is in vain. This man doesn’t really like it, but he tolerates it. Because what to do? His small penis is a huge problem.

Elisa Tiger

Age: 38
Body: 32B-26-36
Height: 5'8" (or 172 cm)
Hair: Brown
Weight: 125 lbs (or 57 kg)
Eyes: Gray
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