Hot Pornstar prefers to read while having sex with tiny dick


Hot Pornstar prefers to read while having sex with tiny dick

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    16 137
  • Added:
    14 years ago

Leah Wilde is a hot pornstar friend of mine, I haven't seen her since she got her boobs done so it was pretty cool to see them up close and personal. Jack had been talking about her the whole week before she came over. He was soooo excited, he was like a schoolboy!...with a dick to match! lol She couldn't take it. seriously....she was reading while he fucked her, or at least TRIED to fuck her... his sad excuse for a penis wasn't doing ANYTHING to make her feel good. She sat on his face and told him that since she wasn't going to get any pleasure from him little wiener that he'd have to please her with his tongue. his tongue didn't do much but it was a ton more than he could do with his small penis.

Leah Wilde

Age: 37
Body: 34-27-36
Height: 5′6″ (168 cm)
Hair: Blond
Weight: 115 (52 kg)
Eyes: Blue
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