This is not the cock she expected to see when he pulled down his pants


This is not the cock she expected to see when he pulled down his pants

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    6 870
  • Added:
    4 months ago

A cheerful girl, who had known him for some time, decided to finally uncover what he was hiding under his pants. At first he refused, but once she started taking her clothes off, he did the same in return, but she wasn't expecting to see the small cock he had. Dreaming of fucking him, she went on to give him a handjob, hoping it would grow big enough so they could have sex. But as hard as she jerked and slapped his tiny dick, it remained the same size. Even his tiny cumload was a disappointment. Oh well, a girl can dream!

Cici Shellz

Age: 28
Body: N/A
Height: 5'2" (or 157 cm)
Hair: Brown
Weight: 110 lbs (or 50 kg)
Eyes: Hazel
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