Tiny Dick loser getting humiliated by three sexy girls on the bed


Tiny Dick loser getting humiliated by three sexy girls on the bed

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    9 860
  • Added:
    7 months ago

A tiny dick loser just lays there on the bed while these three sexy babes make fun of his pathetic little cock, which seems to be exactly what he likes, as there's not much else he can do with such a small penis. The girls don't seem to enjoy themselves too much, as riding his dick isn't a possibility, no matter how hard they look at it, so instead they opt to just make fun of it, which at least gives them some pleasure!

Alisa Horakova

Age: 25
Body: 42E-26-39
Height: 5'7" (or 170 cm)
Hair: Brown
Weight: 115 lbs (or 52 kg)
Eyes: Brown
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Sandy Morrison

Age: 20
Body: N/A
Height: N/A
Hair: Brown
Weight: N/A
Eyes: Green
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Mari Galore

Age: 29
Body: N/A
Height: N/A
Hair: Brown
Weight: N/A
Eyes: Green
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