First really really small penis for Roxie


First really really small penis for Roxie

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  • Added:
    14 years ago

When my friend came over, she thought she was getting her first really big cock instead she got her first really really small penis. After she saw how small Jack was, she pulled our the measuring tape and measure Jack's penis. She said her has never seen a small dick like that in her life, that's surprising LOL. She can even barely put her hands around it when she jerks him off, so she had to use her thumbs and her index finger to get him off. She jerks and laughs at Jack, he was so embarrassed he had known her for a long time. She talks about how its not really a penis but a clit and how we should dress him up like a bitch. Amazed that Jack could finally cum, she watches how his pathetic penis shrinks back into its hole, poor Jack LOL...


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